Wednesday, February 3, 2010


A drop of tear where came with a multiplicity of fortuitous reasons. Crying or tear off is a expression of a human being whether it's happy or upset.

Tears off on the wrong time, at the wrong situation and maybe to the right person (I might not know)... Doing too much of unnecessary thinking and brain-storming sometime.

The happiness but yet worried and afraid, it's a emotional feeling where it's hard to describe and whereby there is nothing can convict why it's came this way.

Keep the fingers cross; keep the legs cross and keep the body, mind and soul balance.

"The supreme happiness of live is the conviction that we are loved."
-- Victor Hugo.

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. -- Jim Rohn

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.
-- Elton Trueblood

Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into. -- Mahatama Gandhi

Love ƸӜƷ Tine

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