Tuesday, January 13, 2009


A bad day for the babygirl...

6:00am: Woke up, get out from my bed..

6:50am: Leave house... Stop at 7eleven for my lovely breakfast, brought a Good day chocolate milk, enjoy driking while stuck in the stupid 2 hours traffic jam...( As i know, A malay guy staring and looking at me for nothing while inside the 7eleven..so hamsap. I don't border about him, do the payment and leave.)

7:00am: Get in the car.. BANG'''''' OPSSSS! I bang a SLK ...... I was thinking to drive away, but failed to do that. The SLK is belong to the Malay guy, he stared at me once again after he came out from the shop. I was so afraid with his fierce expression... I quickly get down from the car and apologise to him... Do u guys know what expression he give me? He walked towards me and smile..look at his car and said : ''Tak apa...Is ok... and smile'' after i apologise for 3 times '' sorry''.. My heart beat is betting fast, luckly the car only minor injured and my Fei po still Leng Leng..

Obviosly i TER-bang a SLK which belong to a hamsap guy..hahahha. But have to thank him for being so nice to me, without any pay and complain at all. I will drive safe next time with my Fei po bumper car. Drive carefully honey~

Well, once get in trouble, bad things come continuance... These days i'm living in a dual spaces without the angel's protection, feel so insecure... sometime bright in the heaven; sometime dark in the hollow world. Time past, human change..everything not gonna be the same as the first day. Life is ridiculous...no guarantee ensure for life, but life goes on.. this is worst and it hold u to walk another half of your life time. What is the meaning of life? I'm afraid i will lost my track one day.... Empty, blank minded.

Where is the Optimistic ChristineG? Pls come back and revive.......

Love Tine

1 comment:

Edmond TaKaeChi said...

What's is the meaning of life..?

To understand the meaning of life we have to turn to the source, or creator. If you believe in such things, God. If he put us here, it was for a purpose. So He may be the only one able to provide us with the answer. Some people will acknowledge that everything we need to know about the purpose of life.

i know is hard to walk on your path now babygirl but this is the path that not even you, not even me but everyone need to walk on our journey babygirl..

be strong baby girl...
i know is hard but try and be strong baby girl..

but dual space..? meaning..?
sorry my EQ nor my IQ is not that powderful yet..

Eddy Teddy